Wine My Story

Wine label design

@branding | @label | @storytelling

Project Overview |The "My Story" Wine (Serbian: "Moja Priča") project involved creating a wine label for a Serbian vineyard family. The primary objective was to develop a compelling brand identity and storytelling that would effectively convey the family's winemaking history and the exceptional quality of their wine. This required the formulation of a captivating visual narrative that would distinguish the brand in a highly competitive market.

The Name |"My Story" is not limited to the wine itself but rather the tale that accompanies it. It honors the legacy of grandfather Nikolic, who founded the vineyard and imparted his wisdom and memories to his grandchildren through his personal diary (his story). A portion of this diary is displayed on the card that accompanies each bottle, adding an extra layer of atmosphere to the wine.

My Responsibilities | I conducted research on the family history, the geographic surroundings, and the competitors. Based on this research, I crafted a narrative for the brand, designed the logo and a label. Furthermore, I assisted the client in locating wine dealers in Serbia, helped them establish contact, and provided guidance on presenting their offering and the story.

Region History

Negotinska Krajina is a historic Serbian wine region with a long tradition of vine-growing that dates back to Roman times. Vranac, an indigenous grape variety, is cultivated here and used to produce classic dry wines.

Region Identity | The vineyards of Negotinska Krajina are located in a diverse landscape at an altitude of up to 300m, near the Romanian and Bulgarian borders. They are surrounded by mountains to the East and the Danube River to the West, which contribute to the unique taste of Vranac wine and are therefore a key part of its visual identity.

The Land | The landscape features hilly terrain with different types of soil that descend towards the river. These features are depicted pictorially through diverse textures and colors. The main idea is to offer a glimpse of the fairytale surroundings and invite the observer to enter the story, "My Story".



